We are excited to contribute to the start of volunteering at the Food Bank for Basir and Gul Banoo family. Basir believes that "volunteering is a great experience and encourages everyone not to lose hope, to take care of each other and to reach out to those who need our help most at this difficult time".
During the day, they sometimes have to visit as many as 17 different places by car and take the donated products to the elderly, who cannot pick them up on their own.
The people they meet are delighted by the family's excellent Lithuanian language and determination to help others.
Džiaugiames galėdami prisidėti prie Basiro ir jo žmonos Gul Banoo savanorystės Maisto Banke pradžios. Basiras mano, kad “savanorystė- puiki patirtis ir skatina visus šiuo sunkiu laikotarpiu neprarasti vilties, rūpintis vieni kitais ir ištiesti ranką tiems, kam šiuo metu labiausiai reikia pagalbos”.
Per dieną jiems kartais tenka automobiliu aplankyti net 17 skirtingų vietų ir nuvešti paaukotus produktus senyviems žmonėms, kurie jų negali pasiimti patys.
Sutiktus žmones džiugina šeimos puiki lietuvių kalba ir apsisiprendimas padėti kitiems.